Different By Design
This ‘Different by Design’ philosophy is reflected in the styles of teaching and the school’s daily schedule and routine. Central Sands students will take traditional core subjects of Science, Social Studies and English Language Arts (ELA) through teacher-led instruction in daily 2-hour, Waldorf-style Main Lesson Blocks.

News Channel 9 - Interview & Article
AMHERST, Wis. (WAOW)-- Central Sands Community High School in Fancher is now accepting applicants. The new public charter school will be accepting 75 students for the 2022-2023 school year. Students interested in applying should be entering ninth through eleventh grade next year.

Central Sands Hires First Employees
Jeanne Ryan has been hired as the Curriculum/Pedagogical Developer. Jeanne has served as the Governance Board chair for the past 3 years and has been instrumental in the development of the school. She has been teaching in the WI Technical College system for the past 6 years and has experience teaching at both the high school and college levels. She is currently working on completion of her Waldorf Teaching certification. Amy Sue Boelk has been hired as the Administrative Director. Amy has over a decade of experience teaching and working in both secondary and higher-education in the United States and abroad.

Central Sands Receives $800k Federal Grant Award
Central Sands Community High School has been selected by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (WI DPI) to receive a $800,625 planning & implementation grant to support it’s opening in Fall 2022.