Graduation Requirements

30 Total Credits are Required for Graduation.
A breakdown of credit requirements can be seen below:

  • Students of Central Sands will fulfill core subject area credits each morning through Waldorf-style Main Lesson Blocks and Skills Courses (Math & ELA). Students with interests in furthering their studies in any of these areas may do additional projects, apprenticeships or higher education courses beyond these minimum requirements.

    English Language Arts (ELA)- 4 credits

    Math- 3 credits

    Science- 5 credits required

    Social Studies- 5 credits

    Advisory- 3 credits

  • The following elective credits can be fulfilled in a multitude of ways. Students will build their own personal learning plans (PLP’s) which may include onsite courses, independent projects, off-site courses at UWSP or Mid State Technical college, community apprenticeships, work study and more. Elective credit hours can be earned in these various ways to fulfill the required elective topic areas of:

    Fine Arts & Handwork- 1 credit

    Music & Theater - 2 credit

    World Language- 1 credit

    Health/Wellness- .5 credit

    Movement- 1.5 credits

    CTE (Career & Technical Education)- 1 credits

    Personal Finance- 1 credit

    1 credits in any area of student’s own interest

  • Students will participate in 1 service learning project per year (.25 credits/year).


Whatever your passion, Central Sands will
help you learn it, love it and live it.